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Distorted Christian

Chorus      There’s nothing but wet distortion

You can feel the wealth

Now to turn my baby up now

I’d have to use some stealth

Verse 1      Instrumental theme

Chorus      There’s nothing but wet distortion

You can feel the wealth

Now to turn my baby up now

I’d have to use some stealth

Verse 2     Instrumental theme

Chorus      There’s nothing but wet distortion

You can feel the wealth

Now to turn my baby up now

I’d have to use some stealth

Verse 3      Instrumental theme

Middle        Instrumental theme

Verse 4      Instrumental theme

Chorus      There’s nothing but wet distortion

You can feel the wealth

Now to turn my baby up now

I’d have to use some stealth

Verse 5     Instrumental theme


Verse 6     Instrumental theme


Verse 7     Instrumental theme


Verse 8     Instrumental theme


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