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No Doubt About it

No doubt about it

That girl is dressed to kill

You can tell because

Your head begins to dance

While your feet keep still

Dressed to kill

Dressed to kill

That girl is dressed to kill

Dressed to kill

Dressed to kill

That girl is dressed to kill

Woe - oh

Your field of vision

Becomes lighted

By the friction

Between her and the air

Your mind shoots up and down

Like the dipper at the

Fun fair

Dressed to kill

Dressed to kill

That girl is dressed to kill

Dressed to kill

Dressed to kill

That girl is dressed to kill

She catches you

In the centre of


No doubt about it

That girl is dressed to kill

You can tell because

Your head begins to dance

While your feet keep still

Dressed to kill

Dressed to kill

That girl is dressed to kill

Dressed to kill

Dressed to kill

That girl is dressed to kill

You can tell because

Your head begins to dance

While your feet keep very, very still

Copyright © 2007 H. Talreja & Jason Romanenko

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Copyright © 2018 Jason Romanenko